The TELCO industry is very specific domain where all telecommunication services for both residential and commercial customers need to be alive 24/7. Companies responsible for services delivery and assurance need to be sure that all telco equipment and infrastructure is working perfectly. This requirements creates a large area of possible problems that may occur during service provisioning. When any of equipment or medium goes down it is critical to get it working as soon as possible. That’s why service centre need to react immediately. After identification of failure character and impact on services appropriate resolution is proposed. Service centre experts choose recommended field teams basing on required qualifications, tools needed, staff availability and expected repair time. Optimal scheduling and ability to fast rescheduling begins to be critical if you want to keep customer satisfaction on high level.

Ksavi Workforce comes with help offering features for task scheduling where dispatcher has all jobs in one place put on schedule for each of his field teams. Prompting dispatcher to choose the best team basing on required competences and available time simplifies his work and allows to quickly respond to repair requests and dispatch repair team. Additional SLA feature supports user manage critical jobs and track time left before the SLA deadline.
To preserve from incidental failures in TELCO industry all infrastructure and equipment need to be maintained frequently. Mobile field teams periodically visit customer sites to check technical state of installed devices. Ksavi Workforce provides features to support recurring orders which are registered in system with defined planned date. Service centre dispatcher has whole set of future tasks already created and waiting for detailed planning.
Mobile application enables storing data from field directly in system and therefore eliminates paper work overhead. It allows for asset management being still on site which enhance quality of telco equipment maintenance services and streamlines inventory management processes. All changes on network are immediately recorded in database for further processing like re-provisioning or assurance processes. Equipment schematics and instructions are available under finger tips. Stored data can be analysed in the future to track problematic equipment and anticipate its replacement or failure rates which surely is critical in TELCO industry.
Besides flexible and useful schedules Ksavi Workforce offers much more functional features that support whole workforce organisation. Central database of work orders, customers and customer business objects gives opportunity to store full history of workforce done including asset management and material usage tracing. Full functionality of mobile workforce management software makes this system very useful in TELCO industry for both service centre employees as well as mobile field technicians. With a fully configurable IT environment you can easily adapt Ksavi Workforce to special character of your TELCO subindustry. Flexible configuration enables the definition of different type of services performed from installations to repairs and maintenance inspections.
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